Two Australian Drug Addicts Pretended To Be Cops Looking For Drugs.
September 30, 2021

An Australian meth addict, Daniel Thomas, was sentenced to 11 and half years in prison for raided the drug user's home by pretending to be a cop and demanding drugs. According to The Age, the raid took place on 25 July 2016, and the case was tried in Victoria's Supreme Court.

Daniel Thomas did this with a friend, and they were asking for the drugs. The two men in the house gave marijuana and crystal methamphetamine to Thomas and his friend, but Thomas believed they had more to offer. Then they took to hit the host around the head with hammers and buttocks to check for drugs, according to buggedspace.com.

When the actual police arrived, Thomas and his friend had left the house. Police took photographs of the victims, following the same procedure as if a murder had occurred. Both of Thomas's victims have been unable to work since the incident and suffer lifelong complications.

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