Students Fainted After Listening To a Lecture From a Teacher For 4 Hours.
October 15, 2021

Usman, a teacher at SMP Negeri 3 Dua Boccoe, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, gathered his students in a class to give lectures that lasted for hours. Some students were exhausted, and some even fainted. The incident went viral on social media after being uploaded to a Facebook account belonging to Eddha Sikki, the parent of one of the students. According to him, the teacher's actions starved the students.

This incident occurred on September 16, 2021, Usman locked the students from 11.00 to 15.00 to give lectures in class. The students couldn't go out and got hungry and then fainted. However, what Usman did is nothing new. According to Vice, he is known to have a history of mental disorders and has locked students for hours in a school in Central Sulawesi, where he used to work.

Because of this viral, the Principal of SMPN 3 Dua Boccoe, Andi Sanawiah, explained to the Secretary of the Bone Nursalam Education Office. According to CNN Indonesia, after receiving an explanation about Usman's health condition, all parties chose to accept the action.

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