A Child’s Brain Can Shrink If the Child Experiences Physical and Verbal Abuse
January 30, 2022

The human brain is an organ formed based on things experienced by humans and responds to all the events it faces.

Through the journal "The Power Of Early Childhood," Dr. Bruce D Perry explains that children who often experience violent events will only get used to thinking about how to protect themself from danger. These children will be very likely to experience 'severe sensory-deprivation neglect.'

Dr. Perry mentions, 'This child's brain is significantly smaller than average and has enlarged ventricles and cortical atrophy.' This means that they will also be very likely to experience learning disorders, disturbances in paying attention, memory, and confusion in their efforts to recognize the environment.

As they grow up, they may not have the ability to acknowledge themself or feel joy. They also may end up with relationship attachment issues. They are likely become dependent on one person and become socially isolated later in life.

According to Bessel Van Der Kolk, psychiatrist and author of The Body Keeps The Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in The Healing of Trauma, traumatic experiences can change the physical structure of the brain and affect the way children think. Incidents such as violence and bullying can interfere with a child's brain development. Adverse experiences such as violence can be deadly to a child's brain development.

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