Netflix’s Sex Education: an Interesting Learning Tool
August 6, 2021

Sex Education season 3 is coming to Netflix on September 17, 2021! Sex Education is a comedy-drama series created by Laurie Nunn and tells a story about Otis Milburn, an insecure teenager who is ambivalent about sex even his mother is a sex therapist. After inadvertently helping his friend who has sexual performance anxiety, Otis begins an advice business or sex therapy clinic to make money with Maeve Wiley, an intelligent mate and someone who is rated as a bad girl. The first season premiered on January 11, 2019, on Netflix and The second was released on January 17, 2020.
Currently, Indonesian schools teach limited aspects of reproductive health across their subjects, which does not have a formal curriculum. Sex education is a way of teaching that can help children overcome problems that originate from the sexual drive. More simply, sex education can teach understanding gender differences, the introduction of limbs, the elaboration of sexual behavior, and introducing society norms related to gender. Furthermore, according to Yusuf Madani’s Book (2014), if sex education has been started since early this can provide an adequate understanding of physical, mental, and emotional maturity processes, reduce fear and anxiety associated with sexual development, and accepting any physical changes that are experienced naturally. Sex education in the right way also can eliminate unhealthy curiosity, such as consuming porn.
Considering that sex education in Indonesia is still very minimal and even regarded as taboo, this series can be used as an easy and interesting learning tool. But still, according to Netflix, the Sex Education series is rated TV-MA and may not be suitable for under 17, so make sure your age is appropriate if you want to watch this series.

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