Men Are Harder To Move On Than Women, According to Research.
September 26, 2021

Research by SAGE Journals “Personality at Midlife: Stability, Intrinsic Maturation, and Response to Life Events” found that men are harder to move on than women. Researchers tried to assess the emotional state of 2,000 divorced men and women and then revisited them 6-9 years later. The results were surprising. Men tend not to forget past relationships well, especially the ex that gives the deepest memories.

An article on Halodoc also wrote the reasons why men are harder to move on than women:

  1. Men are more closed to their feelings.
    Men are more likely to cover up their feelings and keep their feelings of sadness to themselves, which is ultimately more difficult to move on.
  2. It's harder for men to start new relationships.
    Another reason it's harder for men to move on because it's harder to start a new relationship. It is said that women are more adaptable after a breakup. The reason is that women had thought about the worst possible situation when they were in a relationship. Meanwhile, some men often do not think about the possibilities that will happen. In addition, the trauma afterward can also make it more difficult to forget what happened.
  3. The woman you've always wanted.
    Another reason men find it difficult to move on is because their ex-partner is the type of woman they've always wanted. This woman has represented everything in terms of physique and innate nature. Maybe he's been trying to prepare himself for a more serious commitment. But the reality doesn't go according to plan.

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