Get Ready for Prambanan Jazz Festival 2021!
August 5, 2021

During this pandemic, the music industry has been badly affected. Considering this pandemic period is quite a difficult time for everyone, musicians and other roles in the industry are working together to find ways to keep people entertained. It seems that virtual music festivals can be a win-win solution for everyone. It keeps everyone from meeting Ms. 'Rona. It gives musicians the platform to express themselves. It keeps the audience from boredom. Luckily, this year the Prambanan Jazz Festival is back to entertain us.

Prambanan Jazz Festival (PJF) is an annual international music event held in the courtyard of the iconic Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta. The first event was held on October 16, 201. It combines an international jazz music festival and the grand heritage from Prambanan Temple. Like last year, due to the COVID-19 conditions, this year's Prambanan Jazz Festival will be held virtually but don't worry, it won't bring down the excitement of this year's jazz festival.

The Prambanan Jazz Festival 2021 held a special program entitled 'Borneo' Go to Prambanan Jazz Virtual Festival'. There will also be a music competition program initiated by IndiHome, the UseeTV, I-Concert channel.

The Prambanan Jazz Festival itself aims to look for the best musicians who live in Kalimantan to perform with national musicians from September 11 until 12, 2021. This competition runs from July 23 to August 15 and is expected to be an opportunity for musicians who are domiciled in Kalimantan to show their talents to a wider audience. Of all the registrants, there will only be 3 Kalimantan musicians performing, one musician chosen by the promoter and two others chosen by the judges.

“This event will be different from previous years, because we will surprise you with collaborative performances, not only collaborations between musicians but also with various other artists,” a little leak from Anas Alimi, CEO of Rajawali Indonesia, at the press conference held on Thursday (5/8).

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