A Taiwanese Teacher Teaches Math Via Pornhub.
November 17, 2021

Taiwanese math teacher Chang Shu uses Pornhub to teach mathematic. He attracted nearly 7,000 subscribers and got $7,5 Million (TWD), or around Rp3,8 billion.

He uses Pornhub as his medium to make math “sexy” and reach more students. He admitted that most of his viewers likely weren’t in the market for math but said his unique strategy has helped him attract many new students, according to the news outlet, quoting from NY Post. Through his pornhub account, named “Changhsumath666,” he also gives a message to his viewers “Play Hard, Study Hard.”

He has a master's degree in Math and has been teaching for 15 years. According to India Today, Pornhub is not the first porn website Chang Shu used to teach mathematics. Changsu also explained that he actually had no intention of teaching mathematics on the platform but just wanted to let the world know that he is a teacher from Taiwan who can teach mathematics well. Videos of Chang su teaching mathematics are also available on YouTube.

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